Custom Shade Measure | A Buyers Guide to Custom Measurements


Do you know how important a custom shade measure guide is for you? If not, we are glad to tell you that measurement is as important as your window treatment. If you still do not think that we are right, then we have an example for you.

Suppose that you have a perfect cloth that you want to wear but after sewing. But for that, you have to give the proper measurement to your tailor. Right? If you don’t bother measurement and let the tailor do his work as he wants, you know that your tailor will not let you have fun wearing that dress.

So, merely like your dresses, please pay attention to your custom shade measure. And for that, we have got a complete custom shade measure guide for you.

Tips that you Should Never Miss While Custom Shade Measure

Are you going to measure your custom shades yourself? If so, then you must read the following tips.

As we have mentioned before, the measurement of custom shades is highly important. But we have some tips and recommendations that will always help you, and you should read and apply these tips before custom shade measure. 

Tips for custom shade measures that will make an expert of measurement:

  1. Before measurement, you have another job to do that is perhaps extremely important for measurement. That is to determine whether you want a window inside the mold or wall or outside. As a tip, we will recommend you go for the inside the window option if possible because it will always provide you with a cleaner and calmer look. But outside the window is also a good option because it will make your window look bigger.
  2. Always use steel tape for measurement as it is necessary. 
  3. Mark the position of shade at least ¼ inches away from the window frame.
  4. You must note your measurement on any notebook, and while noting, do not forget to write height and width in different sections.
  5. Make sure to print out a legit custom shade measure guide. 
  6. Don’t forget to measure each window differently because you never want to miss any slightest measurement. And the reason for that is mentioned at the start of the article.
  7. Always make width section first and then height section.
  8. While measuring the process, if you ever feel that your window size is not completely square, there can be two solutions in two different cases. If your window is slightly off-square, you can ignore it as it is not expressive enough to be seen in normal conditions. But suppose the window is more than usual off-square. In that case, you have to go for outdoor custom shades to cover your window because you never want your window system to look weird because of one minor fault. Right?

Step by Step Procedure of Custom Shade Measure

Suppose you have bought custom shades directly from a seller. In that case, your work is pretty much done as now you just have to do a single task with full concentration, which is custom shades measure. Thence, we are here to assist you with step by step guide of custom shade measures. 

So, these are a few simple steps for your ease:

Determine your Style

You must know what product and which type of product (custom shades) you want because this is why you will do that much hard work. In general, there are two options that you will get from which you have to choose:

  • Inside Mounted 
  • Outside Mounted

The difference between inside and outside-mounted is that inside-mounted shades are mounted or fitted inside the window. In comparison, outside-mounted shades are kept and fitted outside the window.

After determining your choice between these two, you will have two more options:

  • Horizontal 
  • Vertical

Gather the Desired Tool

So, after determining design and style, you have to do some work to start the proceedings. To make your work easier and easier, grab all the important items and tools you need. And these important tools are:

  • A measuring tape (as we have told you earlier, steel tape will be the best choice in this case).
  • A notebook or notepad.
  • A pen or pencil. For writing in a notebook, you can use any pen, but you have to use an erasable pencil for wrting on walls or window frames. Because you never want to make your walls and windows untidy.  

Inside- and Outside-Mounted Shades

Shades are a bit different from other window treatments so for that please keep these few points in mind:

  • If your shades are inside-mounted, then make sure to keep the window width at two or four inches.
  • Always measure width from three aspects: Top, middle and bottom. After that, compare those widths and never ignore any single and slightest measurement. The narrowest dimension should be written.
  • Do the same with height or length as well: Top, middle and bottom. Extend measurement only to the top of the sill. Here, you have to record the longest number.
  • Now, take measurement diagonally.
  • Fore outside-mounted shades, you have to keep measurements a bit more than inside mounted. Because here, you want to cover your window completely. Right?

Get the Job Done

As of now, you know how to do custom shade measure, so do it yourself and take your time. There are two tips that we can give you at this point, and these tips are:

  • Do your work calmly without hesitation and make things rushy. Suppose you think about why you should do this. In that case, we are again glad to remind you that any slightest mistake in measurement can be harsh for you in the future, just like your dress that your tailor has mismeasured.
  • Another thing that you should follow in almost every measurement and important work is to re-check it. As your helpers, we will suggest you re-check your measurements at least twice.


Now, your measurements are done, so you are ready to order your custom shades from a legit and reliable manufacturer. That is how your custom shades will be at your doorstep.

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